Test reports & experiences
We are constantly collecting testimonials from customers & partners to provide you with a wide variety of individual reports for guidance and decision-making.

Testing and trial riding pads & PADDLE®
We are happy to come to you and your horse's stable for an on-site appointment to test and prepare our PADDLE®. This allows you to test our different models on your horse in a relaxed atmosphere at home and our saddle experts are also on hand to help you choose the right PADDLE®. You can register conveniently via our online form "Registration for saddle fitting".
Of course, you have a 14-day right of cancellation when purchasing from our online shop. This means that you can carefully test the riding pad or PADDLE® on your horse. We ask you to protect the item from horse hair or dirt when trying it on. If you are unable to return the product sent to us in full or in part or only in a deteriorated condition, you may have to compensate us for the value. This does not apply if the deterioration of the item is solely due to its inspection, as would have been possible in a shop. In addition, you can avoid the obligation to pay compensation by not using the items as if they were your property and refraining from doing anything that could impair their value.
It is possible to hire a riding pad or PADDLE® for a longer test period via our partner www.reitverleih.de.
Please note: On site appointments for fit check as well as the service of reitverleih.de is only available in Germany.