Buying a saddle
Used saddle

Used saddle

When looking for a suitable saddle for horse and rider, the question often arises at the beginning: Should the saddle be new or used? With a new saddle or even a custom-made saddle, horse and rider have the greatest scope for customisation in terms of saddle type, fit and design. However, a second-hand saddle can also be a good and affordable alternative, regardless of brand and model.

There is a large selection of used saddles on the market for almost every equestrian discipline, from dressage, jumping and eventing to working equitation and trail riding. You can find more information about used saddles from SIGNUM here.

What used saddles are available?

In order to steer your search for a suitable used saddle in the right direction, you should look for a used saddle that suits your riding style. Special dressage saddles are suitable for dressage, special jumping saddles for jumping, an eventing saddle for all-round use, a western saddle for western riding and there are special gaited horse saddles, Spanish saddles or working equitation saddles for special disciplines, to name but a few.

How do I find the right used saddle for me and my horse?

Once it is clear whether a dressage saddle vs. a jumping saddle, a used eventing saddle or a used trail riding saddle is best suited to your riding style, you can start looking for the right saddle for horse and rider. The rider determines the seat size in inches and therefore also the size of the saddle. It makes a big difference whether a saddle has a seat size of 17 inches or 18 inches - the right seat size is essential to ensure that the seat is comfortable, the rider sits in the correct centre of gravity and the seat feels as comfortable as possible.

Ideally, different saddles can be test ridden in order to find out which saddle's seat shape and design you like best. The unchangeable components of the used saddle in particular should be tested during a saddle fitting. These include the brand, the model with its specific features such as the knee rolls and the seat and of course the look of the saddle - colour is unchangeable and should appeal to you as a customer.

How do I find the right used saddle for my horse?

The fit for the horse is just as important as the right model for the rider. The fit of a used saddle is assessed in the same way as the correct position of a new saddle. It does not matter whether it is a used dressage saddle or a jumping saddle. The panels should have sufficient room for manoeuvre to lie parallel to the horse's back with a new panel. It should be possible to adjust the angle of the saddle flap to the width of the horse's flap over the withers using an adjustable or replaceable gullet plate.

What advantages does a used saddle offer

Why should you buy a second-hand saddle? The most common argument in favour of a second-hand saddle is that it is cheaper than a comparable new saddle. Once a suitable second-hand saddle has been found, you benefit from its short-term availability. As a rule, only a short waiting period is required for the used saddle to be modified or adapted to the horse. This waiting time is usually much shorter than when a new saddle is made or ordered. Another argument in favour of a second-hand saddle is the aspect of resource conservation. Giving a saddle a second life is a contribution to environmental protection. Utilising the resources already processed in the used saddle is a particularly sustainable way to find a suitable saddle.

Is it possible to refurbish/upgrade a used saddle?

Which parts of a saddle can be replaced and repaired? The leather cover of the used saddle can usually be reconditioned using high-quality care products and even heavily used leather can be given a beautiful feel again. For black saddles, care products with colour pigments can be used to restore the saddle to a rich black tone. Leather care is essential for the longevity of the saddle.

We recommend having the wearing parts on a saddle replaced when having a used saddle fitted. This includes the safety-relevant girth straps in particular, but also the stirrup leathers. If individual seams on the saddle are worn, you should have them repaired at the same time if possible.

The inside of the saddle should be adapted to the horse's needs as far as possible. Padding the saddle panels with wool filling or replacing the moulded panels with foam-filled ones is the classic way to do this. With customised saddles from SIGNUM, it is even possible to fit a new saddle tree with the optimum dimensions for your horse. With a new saddle tree with the ideal curve, a new adjustable gullet plate if necessary and an adjustable ribbed stirrup bar, the entire inside of the saddle is adapted to the needs of the "new" horse, just like a custom-made saddle, and is state of the art.

Who are used saddles suitable for?

Do you still have a young horse and don't yet know which direction your journey together will take? Then a second-hand saddle can be a good and inexpensive way to start. However, especially with a young horse, make sure you don't compromise on the fit. Young or sensitive horses in particular need a perfectly fitting saddle at the start of their career as a riding horse. This is the only way they can have a positive experience and optimally develop their back muscles and carry the rider in good health for a long time.

Used saddles are also a way of getting a saddle with a good price-performance ratio on a small budget. A second-hand saddle is well suited as a second saddle for your own horse. This makes sense if the horse is occasionally ridden by another rider or a riding partner who has a different seat size and cannot use the same saddle as the owner. Or if the "first saddle" is available for your own riding specialism and a second saddle is needed for infrequent training sessions in another discipline.

How much does a second-hand saddle cost?

The price of a used saddle varies depending on the brand, the model, the quality and condition of the saddle, the extent of customisation and much more. It is therefore difficult to say how much a second-hand saddle should cost. To make the purchase of a second-hand saddle worthwhile, the total cost should always be lower than that of an equivalent new saddle.

Some suppliers of saddles for sale and purchase offer used saddles at a price that includes fitting. Others charge extra for fitting and accessories such as stirrup leathers, stirrups and girth. Seek advice on this before buying a saddle and, to be on the safe side, factor in additional costs for necessary modifications, repairs or replacement of wearing parts and, if desired, a complete saddle reconditioning.

What should I look out for when buying a second-hand saddle?